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My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion

Join us for My Dog Is My Home Conference 2025: Why Pets? Why Now? The Urgency of Inclusion. This virtual conference brings advocates and practitioners from across fields together to answer the questions of "Why pets?" and "Why now?" during a time of relative scarcity. Explore ways to support the human-animal bond in homeless services and transform pathways to housing for people and animals together.

Our Sponsors

Platinum Underwriter: Maddie's Fund

Advocate: ASPCA, Michelson Found Animals

Friend:, Joybound People & Pets

Supporters: National Alliance to End Homelessness, PetSmart Charities, RedRover, The PAW Mission

Associate: Feeding Pets of the Homeless


Scholarships are generously sponsored by Maddie’s Fund, #ThanksToMaddies.

Scholarship Application

Sponsor Opportunities

We need your sponsorship to produce the conference! Interested in becoming a financial sponsor? Email

Sponsorship Deck

About the featured family:

Ruby and her children - Bryson, Mason, and Kaison - are photographed with their dog, Niva. Niva was adopted from the Cincinnati SPCA. The family was not sure how Niva would be with kids, but she immediately gravitated to Ruby’s youngest child. The entire family is currently living in permanent supportive housing, operated by Found House IHN. Ruby and her family lost everything, and to have found stability with Niva means everything to them. Losing Niva would have been like losing a family member.

February 25

My Dog Is My Home Open House Los Angeles